Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hello to all our friends at TCF and our folks who are keeping up with us on the blog. We appreciate your prayers and encouragement. Keep Rick in your prayers, he is the one taking the time to post all the pictures and see to it that we keep you updated on our progress. I am grateful he is here it requires a lot of time, patience and knowledge to get this done over here. We are posting some pictures of Pastor Boaz's church that they are slowly building.
We are at the very first service inside the building Sunday. No roof, no floor, no windows or doors but the Lord showed up and lots of people which made for a wonderful time of worship and fellowship.

Today we are at the house "working" and this afternoon Boaz has asked us to go to another funeral with him. On our way here we stopped by and saw Mama Cecilia and she seemed as if she was not doing very well again. We contacted Dr.Joseph and waiting to hear back from him so that we can have him go and see her again. Please keep her and her family in your prayers when we there this morning her son and grandchildren were sick also.On a personal level Rick and I are doing very good and we are grateful to be here serving. The house is moving along except for right now while I am here doing this part of the ministry :-] .......Your brother in Christ, Shane


  1. Hi Brother, Hi Rick, wow what a beautiful new update. Between Rick's knowledge and photo skills, and your words Shane I feel so close. These pictures brought tears to my eyes. I can't imagine what this is doing for your hearts.

  2. Brother you found a guitar of course .. Keep the Music going..Praise the Lord

  3. Hi Brother, my friends are asking "why no pictures of Rick?" The Big Elephant needs to grab that camera for a minute and reverse roles, teehee. Love you

  4. Boaz's church is so big compared to the other one! Hope we get to worship there in April! Tell Cecilia we are praying for her. Miss you bro cuz I'm not there!!!!!!!!!

  5. Great to see the progress and I loved seing familiar faces!

  6. There you go Shane, so good to see you involved with worship with a guitar in your hands!! I'm telling Shirley, she needs guys like you. Love the pictures of the church and how its coming along. Tami's right grab that camera and take some pics of Rick too! Send my love To Boaz and Helen. Love Mary

  7. The guitar looks good on you! I knew you were holding out on me. What song were you playing? Got your phone message but I think maybe you got the wrong number. ;) I'm praying just the same. Ya never know what the Lord might do.
