Saturday, January 22, 2011

Vivian arrives out of nowhere

Friday was another great day in Kenya. Pastor Boaz wanted us to go with him to the island of Suba which is in Lake Victoria. If that sounds exotic it wasn't but it was very interesting and a very long trip. Three hours of driving and a forty five minute ferry ride. We went to visit Pastor Peter which most of the fifty5five team will remember. He sends his love to all his friends that he met while we were here. Upon our return we stopped in Kisumu so that I could get my hair cut. I realize that statement has many of you confused and has put me in a position to be really severely roasted. Bring it on my brothers I just don't want any boohooing when its my turn.

When we were leaving Kisumu a young woman with her son approached the car and started speaking with Boaz. Her husband had left her and she needed a ride to speak with the husband's father. Boaz investigated her story and found it to be true and the husband will have to return to his parents home where his father will correct the situation. The new clothes you see her in (the photo to the right) were from those we brought. Things are very different here.

Today Boaz has asked to accompany him to the funeral of a young woman who committed suicide. We will go wherever we are asked to serve. Once again I have asked not to have my picture taken while I am working. When I stop for the photo shots the progress on the building of the home suffers in words that I cannot explain or even begin to describe.

Your humble servant in Christ, Shane

Note: Sorry for the bad exposure in the photo with Boaz, Vivian and Boaz's wife Helen. For someone who understands photography well I have no excuse.
-- Rick


  1. Hi Brother wow I get more and more amazed at your journey. I would encourage you to journal BUT it looks like God has blessed you w/Rick and he is doing a fantastic job of that(Thank you Rick). Lots of love to both of you.

  2. Keeping everyone in prayer, we love u guys!! Keeping the fort down @ home, we're all fine. Let Boaz know also that "Mama Mary" loves him and give Helen a special hello. Tell him I will "prepare" chicken when I can come too :) No Joke! Love Mary

  3. Shane and Rick, it is an incredible blessing to follow your blogs and get a sense for the amazing work our Lord is doing in Kenya. We are praying for you daily and hope all is well. We know you are working 12 to 16 hours a day, Shane, but you might want to take 1/2 a day off to recharge. After all, our God even rested on the seventh day! May the Lord bless and keep you both. In His grace, Jeff and Karen

  4. Shane and Rick, it is a blessing to see and hear your words and photos. Thank you. Shawn and I leave Sunday morning for Nashville. Im excited about the unknown and the adventure of serving Him.Take care of yourselves and may God Bless you abundantly. Dave Elliott
