Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A note from the IT staff

The TCFinKenya IT staff would like to remind you that many times there is more than one new post. Several of our followers have missed some on our better work by just looking at the top posting. Today, for example, we are uploading 4 new posts.

And, if you are reading this from a PC (using Windows or Linux) you can double click on any photo to view it enlarged. If you are using a're on your own. We have uploaded large image files and they should look pretty good enlarged.

In the photo you see me and our new intern, Moo Chin, who has the bad habit of licking the modem.


  1. Praying for you guys! It's been great to see the updates as they come.

    BTW, I have a mac and I can click on the pics to enlarge them too :)

  2. I am so sorry you have to work so hard, with "two clicks" to enlarge a photo. Your finger must be worn out. Us Mac owners click only once to enlarge a photo.

    Thanks for sharing the images and great stories. It brought back great memories.
